More Than Just Another Dictionary

We offer a wide variety of dictionary- and language tools for all kinds of purposes. Please select one from the list below.


Trying to solve the latest crossword? We already have (most of) the answers for all major crosswords published today and the last couple of days.


Our Crossword Solver helps you finding the last missing letters of your crossword. The more letters you already know, the easier it gets.


With more than 2,000,000 unique clues collected from crosswords over the past 50 years, we're sure we'll find an answer to your unsolved clue.


From helping you finding a specific word to extremely powerful helpers like our wildcard word morpher, this stuff will help you beat your friends in any crossword game.


This is not just a normal dictionary. Our new approach in defining modern words has become quite a landmark in online dictionary tools.


We always want to provide the best possible content to our users - That's why we made a nifty little list of language tools provided by others, just one click away.